Thursday, February 09, 2006

current costs as per Hindu


Local sand - Body level - Rs.2,000 (5 to 6 tonnes)
Local sand - Full load - Rs. 3,000 (13 to 14 tonnes).
STD load - Rs. 8,000 (20 to 21 tonnes)
STD load is referred to as sand coming from Karimnagar, Nandyal, Nizamabad, Vijayawada and Nalgonda districts.

From Rs. 24,000 Per Tonne to Rs. 27,500 per Tonne.

Varies from Rs. 108 to Rs. 118 depending on the brand.

Rs. 1.40 to Rs. 1.50 per piece of mud bricks.

Rs. 2.25 to Rs. 2.50 per piece, if they are lightweight.

Hollow bricks made of cement powder cost less and are used by some builders.

Timber (approx per cft)

Teak -- Rs. 950 to Rs. 2,000

Sal -- Rs. 600 to Rs. 750

Meranti-- Rs. 700

Neem-- Rs. 300

Mango-- Rs. 300

Babool-- Rs. 300

Beeja Sal-- Rs. 600 to Rs. 800

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